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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Stone Three Foundation Class (s3fc) provides a number of utility classes.
00003  * Copyright (C) 2001 by Stone Three Signal Processing (Pty) Ltd.
00004  *
00005  * Authored by Stone Three Signal Processing (Pty) Ltd.
00006  *
00007  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00008  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
00009  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00010  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00011  * 
00012  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
00016  * 
00017  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
00018  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
00019  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00020  * 
00021  * Please see the file 'COPYING' in the source root directory.
00022  */
00032 #ifndef S3_RPC_H
00033 #define S3_RPC_H
00035 #include <s3fc/s3_exception.h>
00036 #include <s3fc/s3_thread_base.h>
00037 #include <s3fc/s3_message.h>
00039 #include <string>
00040 #include <vector>
00041 #include <map>
00047 struct s3_rpc_common
00048 {
00049    //
00050    static const std::string cmd_tag_call;
00051    //
00052    static std::string rpc_server_name(const std::string& name);
00053    //
00054    static std::string rpc_random_client_name(const std::string& name);
00055 };
00057 // forward decl
00058 template<typename T_obj> class s3_rpc_caller_m;
00063 template <typename T_obj>
00064 struct s3_rpc_type_common
00065 {
00066    //
00067    typedef std::map<std::string, s3_rpc_caller_m<T_obj>*> callmap_t;
00068    // clear callmap and deallocate memory of callers
00069    static void clear_callmap(callmap_t& cmap);
00070 };
00077 class s3_rpc_exception : public s3_exception
00078 {
00079   public:
00084    s3_rpc_exception(const std::string& where,
00085           const std::string& what);
00086 };
00112 template<typename T_obj>
00113 class s3_rpc_caller_m
00114 {
00115   public:
00119    virtual void call(T_obj* obj,
00120            const std::vector<std::string>& args) = 0;
00125    virtual unsigned int get_num_params() = 0;
00126   protected:
00136    static s3_rpc_exception err_invalid_args(
00137       const std::string& where,
00138       const std::vector<std::string>& args);
00139 };
00145 template<typename T_obj>
00146 struct s3_rpc_caller_m_v_v : public s3_rpc_caller_m<T_obj>
00147 {
00148   public:
00149    // type of method that this caller invokes
00150    typedef void (T_obj::* methodptr_t)(void);
00151   protected:
00152    //
00153    methodptr_t method;
00154   public:
00155    //
00156    s3_rpc_caller_m_v_v(methodptr_t n_method);
00157    //
00158    virtual void call(T_obj* obj,
00159            const std::vector<std::string>& args);
00160    //
00161    virtual unsigned int get_num_params();
00162 };
00168 template<typename T_obj, typename T_arg1>
00169 struct s3_rpc_caller_m_v_t1 : public s3_rpc_caller_m<T_obj>
00170 {
00171   public:
00172    // type of method that this caller invokes
00173    typedef void (T_obj::* methodptr_t)(const T_arg1&);
00174   protected:
00175    //
00176    methodptr_t method;
00177   public:
00178    //
00179    s3_rpc_caller_m_v_t1(methodptr_t n_method);
00180    //
00181    virtual void call(T_obj* obj,
00182            const std::vector<std::string>& args);
00183    //
00184    virtual unsigned int get_num_params();
00185 };
00192 template<typename T_obj, typename T_arg1, typename T_arg2>
00193 struct s3_rpc_caller_m_v_t2 : public s3_rpc_caller_m<T_obj>
00194 {
00195   public:
00196    // type of method that this caller invokes
00197    typedef void (T_obj::* methodptr_t)(const T_arg1&, const T_arg2&);
00198   protected:
00199    //
00200    methodptr_t method;
00201   public:
00202    //
00203    s3_rpc_caller_m_v_t2(methodptr_t n_method);
00204    //
00205    virtual void call(T_obj* obj,
00206            const std::vector<std::string>& args);
00207    //
00208    virtual unsigned int get_num_params();
00209 };
00223 template<typename T_obj>
00224 struct s3_rpc_callmap;
00253 template<typename T_obj>
00254 class s3_rpc_server : public s3_thread_base
00255 {
00256   protected:
00260    s3_message_box mb;
00264    T_obj* obj;
00268    typename s3_rpc_type_common<T_obj>::callmap_t cmap;
00269    // this gets posted once when we enter the main loop
00270    s3_semaphore started;
00271   public:
00279    s3_rpc_server(const std::string& n_name,
00280        T_obj& n_obj);
00284    virtual ~s3_rpc_server();
00285   protected:
00286    //
00287    virtual void main_loop();
00288    //
00289    void handle_message(const s3_message& msg);
00290    //
00291    void exec_cmd_call(const s3_message& msg,
00292             std::string body_str);
00293    //
00294    std::string remove_first(std::string& str);
00295    //
00296    static void reply_client(s3_message_box& mb,
00297              const s3_message& msg,
00298              const std::string& err,
00299              bool err);
00300 };
00304 template<typename T_obj>
00305 class s3_rpc_client
00306 {
00307   protected:
00311    s3_message_box mb;
00315    std::string server_name;
00319    typename s3_rpc_type_common<T_obj>::callmap_t cmap;
00320   public:
00326    s3_rpc_client(const std::string& n_server_name);
00330    ~s3_rpc_client();
00336    std::string call(const std::string& method);
00343    template<typename T_arg1>
00344    std::string call(const std::string& method,
00345           const T_arg1& arg1);
00353    template<typename T_arg1, typename T_arg2>
00354    std::string call(const std::string& method,
00355           const T_arg1& arg1,
00356           const T_arg2& arg2);
00357   protected:
00362    std::string call_common(const std::string& method,
00363             const std::string& args);
00373    void assert_method_args(const std::string& where,
00374             const std::string& method,
00375             unsigned int num_args);
00376 };
00379 #include <s3fc/s3_rpc.tcc>
00381 #endif

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