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S3 Logging System

This documents the S3 Logging System, its components and usage. The S3 Logger is used to log text messages to any of a number of devices. It is heavily based on C++ iostreams (actually only ostreams) and thus works just like cout (i.e. you can use all the << operators and modifiers).

The following components exist:

All of the above components (with the exception of s3_msgb_log_rx_thread, which is a thread) is derived from class std::ostream and could be used as follows:
      // Construct an instance of the file logger.
      s3_filelogger s3_log( "my_logfile.txt" );
      // Log messages to the file.
      s3_log << "This is demo message number " << 1 << endl;
      s3_log << "This is demo message number " << 2 << endl;
      s3_log << "We can also log other types like floats: " 
             << float( 1.234 ) << endl;

The end of a message is indicated by streaming std::endl or std::flush to the ostream.

Class s3_logger is special in the sence that it can log simultaneously to a number of ostreams. Also, it prepends a specified string (ident) and a message severity string to all logs. An instance of this class (s3_log) is contructed automatically at runtime for your convenience.

Francois Swanepoel <swanepoel@stonethree.com>

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